A Farm Fresh Sunday

6 miles up Highway 1 from Stinson Beach, I arrived in an unincorporated coastal community known as Bolinas. Tucked away in Marin County, this little reclusive community calls itself “a socially acknowledged nature loving town”, and it was exactly that.

It was a beautiful, blue-skyed Sunday at the Gospel Flat Farm where I broke bread with a dozen other yogi-foodies. Mike, the owner of the farm gave us an inspiring tour around his farm highlighting their operations and motivations. The theme that he kept coming back to was around the cycle and reproduction of energy and life. The beauty of cultivating energy from the ground, harvesting it, and being able to put it back into the soil where new crops and plants would grow the next season for his community, family, and farm animals was just amazing. The farm is so sustainable, organic, and raw – it really brought new perspective and appreciation on the food I eat and see at the markets.

After the farm tour we had some time to do some mindful meditation and tantric yoga in his art gallery.

Yoga in the art studio.

Outdoor mobile kitchen made from an old boat right on the farm where our meal was prepped.

Being able to see where the crops grew, learn how they were harvested, and meeting the people that put in the energy and effort behind this amazing process (along with the magic the chef put into our meal) gave me a culinary experience that has transcended through to a spiritual experience for me.


Food Prep

This experience has really brought awareness into how my plate was brought together, and bringing gratitude into my meal really allowed me to enjoy it that much more. I can say that this was the first time that I really practiced mindful eating.

Of course I couldn’t leave without supporting this beautiful farm at their farm-stand. With the ingredients purchased, I had a lovely dinner prepared by my boyfriend of chard and freshly caught crab from that morning.

Gospel Farm Farmstand


Freshly caught crab

Thank you SolYoga Trips for putting together such an amazing day.

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